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Annabelle Sghabi

Annabelle Sghabi

University of Technology Sydney

Annabelle is a product designer who is passionate about human-centered design that will make a difference in people's lives. She is a designer who is committed to utilising her technical design skills as well as empathetic communication skills to find opportunities to bring together a fully realised and beautifully designed product.

Entangled Leaves

This piece was inspired by the Australian gum leaf, adapting and amalgamating the shape to create an organically formed ceramic piece. The design is different at every angle, reflecting the ever-changing diverse natural world we live in and humanity’s entangled relationship with the earth. I wanted to focus on nature and physical things as living in such a fast-paced digital world, we often don't stop and think about the physical things around us like trees or the coins in our wallets.

This project is a reflection of our world and the beauty of when we pause and the focus on simple things such as putting coins in a money box and the physicality of this. 

The ceramic money box was manufactured by designing the shape by hand using terracotta clay. The object was then 3D scanned, 3D printed and used as a guide for the plaster mould. The mould was slip casted, creating a hollow silhouette of the object in the desired shape. After this stage, the design was bisk fired in the kiln and imperfections were sanded. The process of this design explores how emerging technologies can enhance hand-crafted workspaces to create innovative, uniquely designed products which are becoming more accessible to designers. 
